Soma Nika is a woman-owned company, that prides itself in producing natural products with pure organic ingredients which contain no toxins, no chemicals and natural preservatives. We utilize simple combinations of the right ingredients to achieve optimal body care that our customers enjoy, without breaking the bank.
I am Nika, you are Nika we all are Nikas, because the bible says in Psalms 139: 14 we are all fearfully and wonderfully made. Using the word of God as our foundation it is very important that we make conscious efforts to adorn our bodies with the right oils and butters, seeds and natural products. When we do, it allows our body to function at its full potential, regardless of age and status. The late Matthew Arnold Langevine always said to his children, “you’ll only get out of your body exactly what you put into.” Now that we are older we realize, that includes what we absorb through our pores and breath in through our nostrils.